Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Morning Jog

Got my morning jog in! Yay me! It was so cool out this morning and I forgot to layer up, eek! Took forever for my body to warm up. It was beautiful this morning. On the jogging trail there were wild turkey and bright yellow wild flowers; I'm going to have to get a pic of those. Today there was a young buck and doe right on the walkway. They stared me and my jogging buddy down for a while then meandered off into the tall grass. From there they kept a close eye on us. The buck walked away slowly, as if to say, "Yeah, I own this place, and I'm watching you." He was slightly intimidating. Although, while my friend just laughed at me, I tried sending mental messages to the buck not to mess with me. Ha ha.
I couldn't ask for a better start to my day than this. It was beautiful!

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