Sunday, September 26, 2010

Books, Books, Books!

Books! I can't get enough of them!
Lately the lot of them has been science fiction, which is a new genre for me.
Still, I can't get through them fast enough, having read twenty-five novels since this past March, I am still on a roll.

The latest series I finished was a young adult selection titled, "The Hunger Games", by Suzanne Collins. My fifteen year old is now reading them since they are mom approved.

This series was an interesting, thought provoking, suspenseful, emotional, funny, dramatic,... I can not come up with enough adjectives to describe what I thought about this series.

There are three books in all, the first being "The Hunger Games," "Catching Fire," and "Mockingjay." They are shorter books and easy reads. The elements for discussion within the books such as perception, tradition, government control or socialism, fight vs. flight, love, the list goes on; are great points of discussion for young and old.

The main character who is placed in a post-apocalyptic setting, is sixteen-seventeen years old throughout her journey, but the life she has experienced is that of someone much older. The romantic triangle tugs your heart in both directions as Katniss Everdeen discovers not only herself, but those who love her. 

You experience the innocence of heart and mind while in the same moment mature strength in the spirit to overcome. Katniss is not your typical female heroine, she makes more mistakes than one would care for. She also winds up remaining true to herself, which becomes somewhat of a revelation for this main character, because of the duress in which it presents itself. 

To find out more you'll have to get your own copy, and I hope you do!
Have you read "The Hunger Games"? What did you think? Were you satisfied with the ending? What would you have done differently if you were Katniss or Peeta or Haymich?

1 comment:

Joseph & Julie said...

Thanks for leaning me these. I really enjoyed them. I think the ending was a mixed bag. I think that what happened to the sister was unnecessary. Although I guess Katniss used it as a reason to get 13's leader...Anyway, thanks again.