Thursday, July 29, 2010

Karma or Consequence?!

Alright! If I didn't know any better I would think that Karma had just dealt me a bit of medicine. After re-reading my last post, I realized I may have sounded a bit boastful about my checklist of tasks that I was able to go through in my day. I mean it's not like I accomplished any grand feats or anything. The day felt like a whirlwind, all while being able to accomplish the things that were needed. 

Yet! This past weekend I have somehow managed to pull my hip and lower back out. Leaving me completely unable to get any chores done...for the last four days! This may not seem like a big deal, but in a family of seven, well, it's an avalanche waiting to happen.
So. One might say that if I hadn't felt so great about getting my two loads of laundry done before anyone woke(and posting it in my blog,) that perhaps I wouldn't now be seven loads of laundry behind for the week.

Well...I'm at least smart enough to know that it is not karma, but the consequences of my own behavior. Rather, the lack of my behavior that has put me in this position.
I know that when I don't exercise and keep my muscles strong that my back will eventually go out. Well, that 's exactly what happened. 

Here I find myself, the product of my own design!
The result of my own making.
Now, I must regrettably make the decision to..........................begin exercising again!!!!

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