Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where Love Is

I said I would have this post up by Wednesday and I didn't do it. 
I was hoping to have pics uploaded of the crafts from the evening. 
My camera battery died and I can't find the charger. Ugh! 
We had a nice time as a family talking about what love is, and how we
can show more love to each other. 
We talked about how love is being kind and thoughtful. 
My husband made me a valentine and the rest of us made hearts to 
hang up on the windows. 
We had rootbeer for our refreshment (in my house soda is a treat.) 
It was a simple night of quiet crafting and jibber jabber. 
The little ones(8yr.old, 6yr.old, and 4yr.old) laughed at their older 
brother making quite the cute and creative heart. 
This would certainly be a more entertaining write up if I had the 
pictures to go with the story. Sad little me. 
Where's the love, where's the love I ask you? 
Well, love was definitely felt 
around our table Monday night. It was nice.

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