Saturday, September 6, 2008

Feedback for fun - childrens books!

Hi everyone,
This is my first blog...I'm so excited!
I'm looking for feedback into writing childrens books.
  • What do you look for in a good children's book?
  • What do you wish you saw more of/less of?
  • What questions do you think I should be asking next?
Thanks everyone for your input and I look forward to future blogs.



Lisa said...

a book that rhymes or is super silly is always fun--or teaches a moral--

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited you're blogging, and so so excited you're pursuing your goal to write children's books! That is so wonderful! I have to admit a major thing I look for in good children's books is good illustrations. As the author, I know you wouldn't really have a say in that. I also LOVE imaginative stories told through the eyes of a child. I also like when the narration from a child is written like a child would say it. However, my friend showed me several passages in the Junie B. Jones books that show kids' grammer taken too far with wrong verb tenses used and disrespectful language to her grandfather. I personally haven't read the books, but knowing that- I probably never will either. I don't know what questions you should ask next, but I'd love to ask you questions!

zarablue said...

Thanks for your comments.
I really appreciate the emails I'm getting as well. I love the encouraging words everyone is sending. Now I just need to figure out if that's because everyone knows I'm crazy and can't believe what I've gotten myself into...or if it's genuine love and support. Only kidding of course. I know it's because I'm crazy! lol

Joseph & Julie said...

I like books that are original and uplifting. I don't like it when the author talks down to the kids. My kids absolutely love to read books that let them act how they want to by drawing them into the action. For instance the "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" book. Hope this helps some.
I think it's great that you are pursuing this. You are naturally funny and great with kids (you haven't had any practice) :) We are behind you.


Teri said...

I am very excited for your new adventure, it is very much like the adventure I would like to take one day, but alas, I am not ready yet!!
Her are my thoughts on great books for kids. I LOVE books that are part of a series. It keeps the children excited to see what is next ( who are kidding here, it is I... I am the one who gets excited!)And even if they are not a series like a contiuation of a storie, just books that have the same character are popular.
Sometimes I can't see how or why my kids like a certian book( the Froggie books for example) so I definatly think you have to think like a child ( you know I have all sort of smart alek coments for this thought!)
I agree with your friend who said illustrations are a huge thing too!
And of course I am a fan of a book that teaches moral lessons without sounding too much like a lesson!
Now,if I could figure out how to do all these things, I would write a book myself! I am sure you will figure out what will work! When you do, and you are rich and famous...will you still remember me... and more important still, will you loan me a few bucks??


Anne Untch said...

How exciting! Of all the people I know, you are truly one that has the ability to be an amazing children's writer. You have such a fun loving way about you. The fact that you love children and treat them with such kindness makes it definitely something you should go whole heartedly towards.

To answer your questions . . .

I love children's books that don't have a lot of text but incredible pictures.

I'll admit that I do pick books a lot of times based on the front cover and the title.

Books that have a reoccuring line are good for beginner readers (ie. "brown bear brown bear what do you see? I see a ..." Each of my children have gained confidence in reading from this book because of the reoccuring line)

I would love to see more children's books about character traits and good morals/standards like those found in the Children's Friend. When a child can see a hero/heroine that makes choices consistent with the teachings of the gospel then it impacts them to do the same.

Also, more books that uplift and cheer up a child. We love "The Blue Day Book for Kids" (Bradley Trevor Grieve). I keep it on the kitchen counter so I can grab it when someone is upset. We never have to read the whole thing before they start smiling. It even works on my teenagers. Between the pictures and text it uplifts and almost forces a laugh because it is so great.

Some Topics that Children need to know that I would love to see written in a book . . .

-Big people make mistakes,they can apologize too, and it is ok.

-It's ok to FEEL and ok ways to ACT when feeling that way.

-They are never alone. That there is a Heavenly Father and Savior who love them.

-How to interact with others, especially what kind of friends to choose that will help them become better.

These are the thoughts that have been important to me as a mom lately. I would definitely knab any child's book about these topics for my own children.

I think you are doing great. I would love to hook you up with my sister who has been published. She would have many answers for you I'm sure. I'll send that information to you via email.

You're an inspiration, Rachel! Keep moving forward with this awesome work because you have no idea the kind of difference you will be able to make, especially in the life of a child.

Already one of your biggest fans,

Anne :)